Mengapa Atom Text Editor?
Karena saya menyukai design yang modern dan banyak fitur di text editor ini.
Sejak kapan menggunakan Atom Text Editor?
Saya memakai Atom Text Editor sejak beberapa bulan lalu.
Sebelum menggunakan Atom Text Editor pakai apa?
Saya sebelumnya menggunakan Notepad++.
Kelebihan apa saja Atom Text Editor ini?
Banyak sekali, seperti banyak fitur plugin, theme, packages dan lain sebagainya.
Awal mulanya beberapa bulan lalu saya sedikit jenuh dengan tampilan text editor saya sebelumnya. Dan akhirnya saya mulai browsing text editor yang populer saat itu. Ada macam-macam text editor, ada yang gratis, ada yang berbayar, ada yang klasik dan modern. Setelah saya lihat review dari orang-orang akhirnya saya mencoba pakai Atom Text Editor. Awal mulanya memang aneh, karena memang tidak terbiasa, tapi akhirnya terbiasa dengan tampilan dan keunikannya.
(Bersambung) Atom Text Editor Install Plugin
A Plain Text Editor
ReplyDeletePlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever
A Plain Text Editor
ReplyDeletePlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever
A Plain Text Editor
ReplyDeletePlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever
A Plain Text Editor
ReplyDeletePlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever